France reveals security details at Paris 2024 opening ceremony in the face of terrorist threats
Víctor García
April 12, 2024

Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior of France, has released some details about the security measures that will be implemented during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, amid terrorist threats that weigh on the quarterfinals of the Champions League this week.

The match between Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) and Barcelona, last Wednesday, was one of four quarterfinal matches that have been threatened by terrorists via video. Darmanin has declared that the DGSI (French secret services) is prepared to deal with the situation, although he did not want to give details about it. In an interview with the newspaper Le Parisien, Darmanin assured that “big events are probably safe places” and where “there are fewer opportunities to act”, although he acknowledged that “we must remain humble in the face of danger.”


In addition, it has announced that a week before the Paris 2024 opening ceremony, scheduled for July 26, all types of traffic will be closed in the place where the event will be held, and that residents and tourists who wish to access the “anti-terrorist perimeter” They must present a QR code starting in May.

Darmanin has indicated that they have “alternative routes” designed for each of the relay stages and that they are even planning a “second landing if people jump into the sea to stop the ship carrying the torch.”

For his part, Luis Enrique, PSG’s Spanish coach, was asked this week about the terrorist threat in the pre-match press conference of Champions League and acknowledged that “who is not affected by that threat? Of course, it worries me. I hope that …”, without finishing the sentence.

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