The inclusion of all fans in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is something very important and therefore the organization has provided all the necessary tools so that, in this case, blind and deaf people can attend all the events they wish and experience them with the same passion as the rest of the public.
The organizing committee has installed the following gadgets so that this emotion reaches as many people as possible:
Audiodescription: these are special headphones that, while a narrator describes the scene, another voice completes the actions by explaining visual elements. They describe everything that happens to the blind viewer and are already being tested at the French Basketball Cup.
Tactile tablet: this tablet is already being used to follow rugby matches. It has a magnet that moves at the same time as the ball, so you can feel with your fingers, in real time, for example, the ball leaving the field.
Vest: convert sounds into vibrations that are connected to the vest and feel them in the back, that is what is already being done in basketball games for deaf people and that will also be done in the Olympic Games. You can feel the bounce of the ball, the footsteps of the players or the collisions between players, even the crowd shouting.
These devices are not very widespread and are usually used in soccer, tennis and Paralympic disciplines. At the Paris 2024 Olympic Games they will be used in soccer, judo, swimming, tennis and horse riding and at the Paralympic Games they will be used in up to thirteen disciplines.
Ludivine Munos, head of Paralympic integration at Paris 2024 commented that there will be 460 hours of audio-description at the games, and said that “we have targeted the sports that experts in visual impairment have told us are most interesting for them”.