European Boxing Confederation (EUBC) “with one foot out the door….”
July 23, 2024
The EUBC Board met on Sunday 21st of July and made decisions on the policy of its member national boxing federations.  More specifically our accurate information is that the EUBC will change its statutes at the AGM on 31/10/2024 which will take place in Budva to allow already member National Federations that will leave the IBA immediately after the Olympics to remain members of the EUBC , which according to the current statutes could not be done because it was a prerequisite that the National Federation’s membership in the IBA was a prerequisite. This decision comes long overdue and is seen by many as a half measure and an act of timidity. It is obviously done to stem the tide of exodus after the Olympics but it is not enough. What would probably be a move that would initiate substantial developments would be an independent EUBC. This has not happened. It is likely that the existence of a Russian in the EUBC vice-presidency played a role in not making such a decision.
The date of the EUBC AGM is very late, at the end of October, and it is likely that the developments that will run in the meantime will both speed up the proceedings and modify the plans and agenda. Many factors will influence the course of the Olympic boxing case
First and foremost is what will the IOC say and do? The IOC is the sole factor in determining developments in the Olympic program and which international federation is recognized. The Olympics is its own product and it will decide if and with whom it will continue to work with in boxing. The only certainty is that the IOC will not accept the IBA back into the recognised federations. Whoever the IOC recognizes will be a one-way street for everyone else. 
Another factor that will influence developments is what the ASBC (Asian confederation) will do which has an extraordinary AGM at the end of August. It may be recalled that the Indian Boxing Federation whose president Mr. Singh has already left the ASBC and whose president Mr. Singh was also the vice-president in the IBA. This is a major loss to the IBA members as the Indian Boxing Federation is a very strong federation with a long tradition in boxing and with great successes. Both the Indian Boxing Federation and its President have great influence in Asia and beyond.
The third factor that will determine the developments is what the EUBC & IBA members will do immediately after the Olympics are over. It is expected that the Italian and French federations will withdraw immediately after the end of the OG.  It is expected that others will follow. It is unknown whether they will immediately register with WORLD BOXING (WB). These moves are also affected by another parameter. The like or dislike of the WB President. Not everyone has the best relationship with him.
SportsIn‘s information is that the WB does not want confederations to exist but rather direct registration of National Federation members.
The fourth factor will be the policy the WB will follow regarding confederations. SportsIn‘s information is that the WB does not want confederations to exist but rather direct registration of National Federation members. This upends the current system and it will be interesting to see what will ultimately be followed. 
Another and fifth factor is what the WB is doing. It doesn’t seem to be doing much… It seems to be waiting for the IOC to do everything and that’s not the point. It also needs to convince those it expects to be its new members that it is an immediate credible solution that will enable its members to develop the sport within its ranks. This is not the situation today and there is still too much to do. It has not convinced that there is a clear plan for operation and development. 
Are the EUBC’s decisions a move of desperation? Is it the result of the impasse that the existing IBA system has reached after the IBA withdrew recognition from the IOC? Is it the result of the lack of a plan with concrete initiatives and plans to bring the sport out of the general crisis even at the continental confederation level? The only certainty is that it is an absolutely delayed and timid reaction and the assessment is that the EUBC missed the opportunity to run the show… Let’s wait and see what the ASBC will do. 

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