Why is it mandatory to organize a Paralympic Games
Farzad Youshanlou
August 28, 2024

The Paralympic Games should not be seen merely as a sporting event. They are far more than that—a profound reflection of human values and resilience. These games capture the world’s attention and serve as a powerful reminder that the world we are born into belongs to all of us, regardless of our physical abilities.

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The true significance of the Paralympics lies in the way they bring together athletes with disabilities from across the globe, allowing them to showcase not only their athletic skills but also their incredible creativity and determination. These athletes stand as living role models for anyone struggling with apathy or a lack of motivation, demonstrating that physical limitations do not define one’s potential.

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Moreover, the Paralympic Games have evolved beyond their original scope. The athletes who compete today are not only those born with physical disabilities but also include survivors of devastating wars—individuals who have been disabled due to the reckless decisions and greed of political leaders and ideological rulers worldwide. This reality adds a deeper layer of significance to the games, as they become a platform for highlighting the resilience and strength of those who have suffered so greatly.

In honouring the Paralympic Games, we must recognize their legacy, particularly the vision of Dr. Ludwig Guttmann, who laid the foundation for what the games have become today. If we truly hold humanitarian values, we are compelled to ensure that these games are organized with the utmost care, respect, and consideration for the athletes who participate.


The need for inclusive policies and support systems is underscored by the fact that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 1 billion people—approximately 15% of the world’s population—live with some form of disability. Of these, about 190 million people (3.8%) experience significant difficulties in functioning. These staggering numbers highlight the vast global population affected by disabilities and emphasize the importance of creating environments where they can thrive.

Unfortunately, a significant portion of this population lives in impoverished and developing countries, where empathy for the disabled is often in short supply among governing authorities. In these regions, there is a severe lack of commitment to improving medical services or urban infrastructure, which are essential for enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities. As a result, access to sports and the opportunity to participate in athletic competitions remain out of reach for many disabled individuals in these countries.


This widespread indifference has far-reaching consequences. Without access to sports, many disabled individuals are deprived of the physical and psychological benefits that come with athletic participation. This lack of prioritization reflects broader systemic issues, where the basic rights and needs of people with disabilities are consistently overlooked.

Given the human dimension of the Paralympics, it is also important to consider the economic aspect. The livelihoods of Paralympic athletes deserve attention, and it is crucial that a portion of the revenue generated by these games is allocated to the athletes themselves. This would not only ensure their well-being but also acknowledge their invaluable contributions to the games and to society as a whole.

As we celebrate the Paralympics, let us remember that they represent the crystallization of human values. These games offer a unique opportunity to honour the resilience and strength of those who have overcome significant challenges, and to advocate for a world where everyone, regardless of ability, has the chance to participate fully in life.

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