It couldn’t be any other way, in the year of the Olympic Games Sportsin was born, a digital medium that seeks to differentiate itself with its own, open, pluralistic, informed and inclusive style. The portal for all sports worldwide is already in the city of light beating in advance of the event of the five rings and the three Agitos.
Just a synopsis of Sportsin on French soil. You will find life stories that go beyond sport, we seek to bring athletes and para athletes closer to the public, to be able to show their talents, their innate leadership conditions that turn them into idols, sometimes almost unattainable.
We arrive in Paris to decipher this underworld that will magically envelop us for three weeks with the Olympic Games and, later, for 12 days we will experience the Paralympic Games, where hundreds of millions of people around the planet will vibrate and be excited by both games. There is no time to continue speculating whether the Seine River is suitable for competition. The organizers have been blunt when consulted: “All sports venues including the Sena meet the standards required by the international federations that judge technically and are the guarantees before the IOC to faithfully adhere to the demands.”
When we get off the plane, the first impression we get is that we breathe the air of the Olympic Games, despite the apathy that being the host of a mega event of this level causes in a part of the French population, causing disruptions and crowds that In normal periods, being similar, they do not have the security deployment that we now see in situ in the French capital.
In a quick Sportsin survey here at Charles de Gaulle airport, we asked about the impact of the games and, indeed, there are supporters and detractors, but I do find something in common: they value Paris hosting again and, why not, be a meeting point for the convulsed and polarized political situation that the country is experiencing. In addition to the challenges that the organizers have with security and being vigilant against threats of terrorist attacks, it is no less true that a flank can be opened for them with the protests and social demands of the French during the games, similar to what happened with Rio 2016.
I feel that this will be the turning point that will mark the future of the games. External threats always exist and will exist, for those alienated and disturbed minds, according to them, there is a higher reason to attack the world without mercy and without asking for anything. But in the case of the French who enjoy a reputation based on culture, knowledge and respect for civil and social rights, it would be unthinkable to imagine extreme acts that put the normality of the Paris games at risk.
Let’s go back to Sportsin’s first day here in Paris. Being Sunday everything revolves around the Olympic event, we took a sample with the taxi drivers, who are good surveyors of their own passengers and reaffirm that the influx of public doubled this year in relation to the previous one. Reservations and occupancy of hotels in the perimeter of Paris, assuming that 2 and 3 star hotels, their price in the normal season ranges between 150 and 190 euros, with games and reserved four months in advance, have doubled their rate. That is to say, the hotel sector has happy accounts and, thus, it would take too long to list the benefits that the games bring to the host city.
As I finish this first Sportsin editorial now in Paris, I can only add to my experiential analysis of the first hours of the journey that sport and games are a social catalyst that makes you fall in love, makes your heart rate race. Imagine what happens when athletes compete and para athletes, only one looking from the outside is ecstatic and full of emotions. The athlete and para-athlete in their case come to complete a four-year work of preparation to achieve their goal. Some go for that gold that is inside them, trying to break and surpass their own times and records or, simply, jump over a fence and suspend themselves for thousandths of seconds in the air as another example of how great they are inside and outside the sports scene. .
The Olympic and Paralympic Games are now and Sportsin came to Paris to inform and get excited with you about these super athletes and para athletes of the planet.